Mubarat Ali Khan was music director of Anwar Kemal Pasha's super hit film 2 Aansoo (1950), which was the first ever silver jubilee Urdu film in Pakistan. He composed nine songs in this film. Munwar Sultana, Zeenat Begum, Salma Begum, Allauddin and Ustad Barkat Ali's were singers. The most popular song of this film was:
- Koi Apni Nishani Day Geya, Dil Lay Geya.. (Munawar Sultana)
His other film was Shalimar in 1956.
Mubarak Ali Khan was brother of other music director Fateh Ali Khan and uncle of the legend Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - the world renowned qawwal.
Mubarat Ali Khan died on April 8, 1957 at Lahore.