Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Film Actress

Eidan Bai

She was Madam Noorjahan's elder sister..
Eidan Bai - Film Actress - She was Madam Noorjahan's elder sister..
Facts on Eidan Bai

Real name
Active career
Life - 05-09-1985
Born at
Language Punjabi
Profession Acting, dancing
Relations Noorjahan (sister)

Eidan Bai never appeared in any Pakistani movie but she was seen with her two younger sisters Haidar Bandi and Allah Wasai (Baby Noorjahan) in first Calcutta made Punjabi film Pind Di Kurri in 1935 and Lahore made pre-partition film Heer Sial (1937). These three sister were actors, dancers and singers and known as Punjab Mail on Calcutta stage in the mid 1930s.

Eidan Bai died on September 5, 1985 in Kasur.

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