Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Supporting actor

Kemal Irani

He was a useful supporting actor
Kemal Irani - Supporting actor - He was a useful supporting actor
Facts on Kemal Irani
Real name Syed Kemal-ud-din Safvi
First film Charagh Jalta Raha (Urdu - 1962)
Active career1962-89
Life 05-08-1932 - 12-09-1989
Born at Karachi
Language Urdu
Profession Acting, business

Kemal Irani appeared in 244 movies, 188 Urdu, 43 Punjabi, 8 Sindhi and 5 Pashto movies. His first film was Charagh Jalta Raha in 1962. It was a famous film with newcomers as Zeba, Mohammad Ali, Deeba and Talat Hussain. His last film was Miran Jamali in Sindhi language in 1990.

Kemal Irani only played supporting roles in his almost three decades film career. There were few movies with his main roles, as he was main villain in movies like Aina and Jaag Utha Insan in 1966. He also worked in TV dramas.

Kemal Irani was born on August 5, 1932 and died on September 12, 1989 in Karachi.

Ik Si Maa
Ik Si Maa
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Fiker Not


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