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Shahida Parveen

Famous classical singer Shahida Parveen died ten years ago on March 13, 2003.
Shahida Parveen - Singer - Famous classical singer Shahida Parveen died ten years ago on March 13, 2003.
Facts on Shahida Parveen

Real name
Active career
Life - 13-03-2003
Born at Lahore
Profession Classical singer

Shahida Perveen was considered one of the best female classical singer in Pakistan, famous for singing Sufi verses. One of her most popular ghazal was Deepak Raag Hai Chahat Apni.

Shahida Parveen was born in Lahore in 1957, was the only daughter of Zahida Perveen - also a renowned singer. She was initially trained by her mother, before becoming a student of Ustad Akhtar Ali Khan (the father of Ustad Amanat Ali Khan

from Patiala Ghrana) and Chohtay Ghulam Ali Khan.

Listen to Shahida Parveen

Ayi Bahar
Ayi Bahar

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