Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Film producer and cinema owner

Hakim Ali Zardari

A was a cinema owner and producer..
Hakim Ali Zardari - Film producer and cinema owner - A was a cinema owner and producer..
Facts on Hakim Ali Zardari

Real name Hakim Ali Zardari
First film Dhoop Aur Saye (Urdu - 1968)
Active career
Life - 24-05-2011
Born at
Language Sindhi
Profession Film making, Cinema owner
Relations Asif Ali Zardari (son)

Hakim Ali Zardari was owner of Bambino and Scala cinemas in Karachi. He was producer of a single film Droop aur Saye (1968). His son, Asif Ali Zardari, who was President of Pakistan from 2008-11. He died in 2011.

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